Halle posing for her first ever "first day of school" photo. It's off to pre-school for her!
Handsome Porter on the first day of FIRST GRADE! that's right my oldest is headed to school all day, and I am not completely excited about it.
Halle wearing her new backpack, pink of course. She has been excited to go to school for a while now. She only goes 2 days a week for 2 1/2 hours. I can totally handle that.
Porter on the other hand, all day?? I have been his mom for 6 years, making sure he is nice to his sister, says "please" and "thank you", eats his lunch, ect.. all you mom's know. Now he is gone at 7 am and home at 3:30pm. Who is going to make sure he washes his hands after he goes to the bathroom? eats all of his lunch so he is not hungry the rest of the day? make sure he is kind to others? Make sure others are kind to him?
I know someday I will be glad to send them out of the house all day, but for now, I would rather we had summer all year long-or I could go sit by him all day at school, which ever is more practical.